Friday, September 12, 2008

A Brief Hello

Everyone says that life is much slower paced in Latin America...and I don't think I really believe it. It's just been go go go since I got here! Sorry to those of you (mom) who were worried by my lack of posts the last few days, I'm feeling good as new. Well, right now I'm kind of hungry, but that doesn't really count. Anyway, I just have a few minutes here before my last Spanish class for a few weeks. Next week I will have a lot more free time and I'll be sure to fill you all in on the juicy Ecuadorian details. But in summary....

Wed: Saw lots of children with coughs and elderly people with leg sores in the clinic. Learned a lot from the med student rotating with me, and yes...I poured more antiseptic. At night took a Salsa lesson and went to ladies night at a local bar (free drinks and no men allowed in until 10), good time.

Thurs: More coughing children and sores. AND, so cool, we got to meet Ecuador's Minister of Health at the clinic, even got a pic with her. I'll post it later. Drank goat milk fresh from the animal. For supper went out to Crepes y Waffles, where we had AMAZING food. I didn't ever want to leave. Sarah and Dad, I have new crepes ideas for you.

Friday: All there is in the emergency room are children with coughs and elderly women with sores, I swear. Finished up interviews for my project at this clinic. Yay! Finally got time to go to a working computer and answer some emails. Heading to Otavalo in a few hours to peruse the native market there.

New Word of the Day: dar la luz (an expression for having a baby, literally means "giving a light")

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Here´s the larva I ate. These were the steamed version, which wasn´t my favorite. The bear is just there for style.

My piranha.

My piranha.
This is the flesh eating fish I caught and ate. It´s a vicious circle all right.

I just really like this picture.

I just really like this picture.
There was just this one random red lead in this plant, and it looked so cool!

El Pene del Diablo

El Pene del Diablo
Here it is (I know you were all curious), the Devil´s Penis root. Enough said.

My Jungle Pants.

My Jungle Pants.
This is my super awesome jungle hiking outfit. Rubber boots, striped blue hippy pants, and yellow floral tshirt. I felt kind of at home trudging around in those boots.

The Cocodilo!

The Cocodilo!
This is one of the crocodiles/alligators (we´re not quite sure which one it is, there is some confusion...) we saw from our canoe.

Our Cabin.

Our Cabin.
Here´s our cabana in the jungle. It was all divided up into little rooms, kind of cute. In a bug infested way.

The jungle.

The jungle.
Here´s the view from our canoe on the ride across the lake to our camp. It was so gorgeous!!

I have an arrow on my head.

I have an arrow on my head.
This is me being painted by the shaman before our jungle hike. The ¨paint¨ was from the little green fruits in his hand.


Here´s me doing my thing at Cochapamba. It´s pretty exciting, I know...

Me and my sweet helmet.

Me and my sweet helmet.
I felt so sexy in this bike helmet. Seriously.

In Baños

In Baños
This is the view from my bikeride in Baños this weekend. Isn´t it just gorgeous? Best bike ride ever.

Hip Dysplasia Check

Hip Dysplasia Check
This is Olguita doing a hip dysplasia check on a little boy.

Cutey Pie!

Cutey Pie!
This is my little amigo at CEMOPLAF. We played with blocks. It was a good time. In this pic he´s being weighed.


Here is some of the girl on the Chivas Bus. The drink Melissa is holding in the front is an alcoholic beverage that tastes like cinnamon. Yummy.

Rickety ladder of death.

Rickety ladder of death.
This in mi amiga Anu climbing the rickety ladder of death to the top of the Basilica.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Oh. My. Gosh.
These are the deserts we had at Crepes and Waffles. SOOOOOO delicious. Mine was the carmally one right in the front. That´s right, I know you´re jealous.

On the Ecuator

On the Ecuator
Here I am on the ecuator, the mitad del mundo. Woohoo!

Ahoy maties!

Ahoy maties!
These are the whales we saw from the boat to Isla de la Plata! I have no idea what kind they are! I must do more research and get back to you! But they were so cool!

Yes, I know I have crazy hair...

Yes, I know I have crazy hair...
This is me on the island. It was windy, okay? Geesh, some people. By the way, there´s a legend that the island has buried treasure somewhere. I didn´t find it. Sad day.


These are the famous blue footed boobies. They were pretty funny to watch, they really waddle! So many boobies in such a short time...

More boobies!

More boobies!
This is a different species of boobie. No blue feet. I think it´s called that Nazka Boobie in English, which so isn´t as fun as blue footed boobie. Maybe orange pointed boobie? Just a suggestion.

The Shaman

The Shaman
Here is the shaman doing her thing with the cuy. Sorry I´m in my bra for you all to see, couldn´t be helped. And its a nice bra.

Shaman Take 2

Shaman Take 2
Same idea, just from the back. She was really shaking the cuy all over! And doesn´t she have a really cool bracelet?

The Diagnosis

The Diagnosis
This is the shaman cutting open the dead cuy to read its body. I was kind of amazed that she just squatted down on the floor, didn´t even use a table. She´s got mad skills. Oh, and since it was a health center, she put everything into little red biohazard bags.

Pouring the Antiseptic

Pouring the Antiseptic
Oh yeah, me in my prime. This was for one of those ladies with a leg ulcer. She was very cute. I know you can´t tell from that part of her foot in the picture, but you´ll have to take my word for it.

Meeting the Minister

Meeting the Minister
This is me and my fellow student Carrie with the Minister of Health at a public health center. How cool is that? We´re practically celebrities.

The Hat!

The Hat!
This is my sweet new indigenous style hat, bought it in the Otavalo market. Also bought the scarf and filled up that was a good shopping day!

The Market

The Market
This doesn't do the market justice, there are so many people and colors!

El Grupo

El Grupo
All the students at a hill overlooking the city

My Artistic Endeavor

My Artistic Endeavor
Took this from the window while the taxi driver was stuck but still trying. Oh taxi drivers....

View of the City

View of the City
This place is huge! Seriously. And very long. With pretty mountains.

La Virgen

La Virgen
She´s supposed to protect Quito from the apocalypse. Quite the lady.